How Do I Address My Boss When…?

So much has been written for leaders and managers, team leaders and organisational heads – and rightly so, as there is a huge leadership skills gap in the world. Very little, however, has been written for employees in terms of assisting them with developing the skills needed to enjoy relational effectiveness. So, this book is for you – the employee – to enable you to develop the critical skills you need to construct the crucial conversations necessary to getting results in your relationship with your boss.

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Book Cover: How Do I Address My Boss When...?How Do I Address My Boss When...?

Product Details

This book assists employees with constructing sincere, but powerful, conversations for relational effectiveness with bosses. It enables employees to develop the critical skills needed to construct crucial dialogue sessions with managers – developing confidence and mature conversational approaches to the most common issues faced in employment contexts.

You will learn how to address your boss when …

  • You want a salary increase
  • You feel that your ideas are not being heard
  • When you feel side-lined
  • When you would like further training
  • When you feel hurt by something that has been said


  1. How do I get my boss to listen to my ideas?
  2. How do I get to understand the things that will please my boss the most?
  3. When I disagree with my boss, how do I communicate that to him/her without coming across as attacking or confrontational?
  4. How do I address my boss when I feel hurt?
  5. How do I approach my boss when I feel overloaded or overwhelmed?
  6. How do I ask for more training to enhance my skills?
  7. How do I discuss my career development with my boss?
  8. How do I deal with a politicised environment?
  9. How do I tell my boss that I feel side-lined?
  10. How do I manage the workload from many bosses?
  11. How do I resolve anger and other negative emotions at work?
  12. How do I address my boss when I feel I am being micro-managed?
  13. How do I get more relevant information from my boss so that I have the right “big picture”?
  14. How do I speak to an issue that has not been resolved without being a nag?
  15. How do I respond to my boss/others when my colleagues gossip about my boss?
  16. How do I ask my boss for a higher salary?
  17. How do I make my boss aware that I feel that my giftedness is not being fully utilised in the work context?

Each chapter outlines the principles of the conversation, an example of the proposed conversation structure and exercises to assist with preparation for the conversation.

This invaluable and practical resource will enable you to have influence ability with your boss.