
I was speaking recently to the CEO of a mid-sized company about the importance of leadership development, employee engagement and developing the psychological capabilities of employees.  He asked why this was necessary as there were so many other pressing needs that influenced levels of productivity, sales, and profitability. He said: “This ‘fluffy’ stuff may be…

“When eating fruit, think of the person who planted the tree” (Vietnamese Proverb) Gratitude is a close companion to both integrity and humility. Gratitude without integrity is insincere flattery, while it takes humility to say ‘Thanks, I could not have done it without you’. Reasons and opportunities for gratitude abound., even in a harsh world….

When considering inventions, one might be able to say rather quickly that digital devices have made the most impact on day-to-day life – this is not necessarily true, however, as I grew up without computers, televisions, or phones. Yes, we did have an antiquated, black, heavy-duty telephone, but I was not allowed to use it….

“His thoughts were slow, His words were few, and never formed to glisten. But he was a joy to all his friends – You should have heard him listen”. (Anon) Listening is a rare phenomenon amongst human beings. It seems that the tongue is a very powerful and dominant muscle, at times completely overshadowing the…

In West Africa, I was enjoying working with and facilitating a workshop for a group of managers from a media company – having rigorous discussions about the topic ‘leadership style’. Many contended that “in that part of the world”, the only way to get things done to certain prescribed quality levels was to shout –…

“You support what you help create” (Alinda Nortje: Executive Chairperson, Free To Grow) In a world of increasing turbulence, including unpredictable financial and socio-political contexts, leaders are under pressure to transform their organisations towards achieving sustainable growth. This “transformation” may include the adoption of new technologies, major strategic shifts, process reengineering, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring,…

Having coffee alone at home in the morning or at work when you are focusing on a project is fine, but when did you last have coffee with your boss? I have asked this question many times when in front of delegates at our numerous training interventions. I ask them how often they spend time actually…

I love December – the weather is warming up in the southern hemisphere; the year with all its hard work, problems and joys is winding down; family, wherever located, take on fresh significance; and secretly-held hopes and dreams for a better year to come rest in the hearts, minds and emotions of many. Some call…