
“Successful change initiatives deal with the emotional reality of a group” Great leaders are sensitive to the emotions that facilitate change, and they find ways to enhance those feelings. They deal with emotions that undermine change, some of which are panic, exhaustion, frustration, pessimism, cynicism, insecurity, anger, and anxiety. They attempt to facilitate emotions which…

“Our ultimate freedom is the right and the power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us” (Dr Steven R Covey) When confronted by significant differences of opinion with others, aggressive communication, or manipulative forms of behaviour, particularly from those in more senior positions, many employees are overwhelmed and overcome – they…

We all have to deal with rejection in some form or other and probably many times during the span of our respective lives. In fact, in my case, any period of unconditional love and appreciation bestowed upon me was short-lived unfortunately – I just experienced this “being adored because I existed” outpouring of love and…

In the ongoing battle for wholeness and wellness, especially where the focus has shifted during this COVID-19 pandemic to physical protection, immune defence systems and overcoming possible financial ruin, some key emotional and psychological factors may be missed in the wellness puzzle, viz.: mental health being overlooked as a result of the current focus on…

“When the music changes, so must the dance” One of the many changes that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has initiated for knowledge workers is the ability to adapt effectively to the new rhythm of remote work. As the trend towards remote work grows, however, so does the need for effective virtual leadership. To grow the…

When confronted by significant differences of opinion with others, aggressive communication or manipulative forms of behaviour, particularly from those in more senior positions, many employees are overwhelmed and overcome – they either fight (respond aggressively or sarcastically), flee (get out of the situation as quickly as possible) or freeze (absolutely dumbstruck, they become speechless, or…