
Life’s journey is comprised of a series of “highs and lows”, moments of ecstasy and moments of extreme pain and many other more neutral emotional experiences in-between. These emotional “ups and downs” need to be managed, understood, and processed in order to maintain emotional wholeness. Unless one had the privilege of having parents or other…

Life’s journey is comprised of a series of “highs and lows”, moments of ecstasy and moments of extreme pain and many other more neutral emotional experiences in-between. These emotional “ups and downs” need to be managed, understood and processed in order to maintain emotional wholeness. Unless one had the privilege of having parents or other…

I love flying – just as well, as I do a lot of it! When I was a boy, dreaming of wanting to become a pilot, one of my greatest memories was attending an air show, watching pilots go through their pre-flight routines, checking instrumentation and getting weather reports. I would be fascinated at the…

“Blue Mondays” are common – overcoming the inertia caused by a great weekend and with a sigh, realising that there is plenty to do awaiting you at the office, perhaps not all of these things pleasant activities. But what happens when “blue Mondays” turn into blue other days of the week and pulling the duvet…