
“When eating fruit, think of the person who planted the tree” (Vietnamese Proverb) Gratitude is a close companion to both integrity and humility. Gratitude without integrity is insincere flattery, while it takes humility to say ‘Thanks, I could not have done it without you’. Reasons and opportunities for gratitude abound., even in a harsh world….

“Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself less” (Kenneth H Blanchard) In the famous tale of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, the spoilt and over-indulged Veruca Salt, the child of affluent parents, stands in stark contrast to the story’s protagonist, believing she is without fault and entitled…

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant” (Robert Louis Stevenson) The world looks for immediacy when it comes to measuring results – in one sense, rightly so, as this is what people, and specifically leaders, are hired to do. There is an expectation of meeting and…

“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men” (Proverbs 18:16) I have travelled to the beautiful island of Madagascar more times than I can remember. Sometimes a forgotten island by many nations, Madagascar has a population of around twenty million people, is rich in mineral resources, unique vegetation, and exciting…

“Occasionally the world witnesses a heroic feat or discovers a person with rare talent…but most people know there is another type of greatness that tends to be more quiet by nature, one that generally escapes the headlines. Yet, it is a greatness that, in my opinion, is deserving of higher honour, even more respect. I…

“It is unhealthy to marinate in your own press clippings” (Sam Walton) Humility is the hallmark of true leadership. Those in leadership who display humility recognise that they have been put in a position to serve others, create opportunity for others and bring out the best in others. Humility empowers others. It sets an example…

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own” (Benjamin Disraeli)  When we treat people with respect, we help them gain confidence and reveal inner potential that otherwise might go untapped. Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him or…

“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion” (Paulo Coelho) While meaningful words do have positive impact and can indeed encourage, persuade and influence, actions speak louder than words. Though opinions are important, though convictions carry a lot of weight, though what we think and what we say are both important, they…

“Truly great men and women are never terrifying. Their humility puts you at ease” (Elizabeth Goudge) Comedian Groucho Marx reported one day that he had a nurse who was so arrogant about her beauty that, when she took a man’s pulse, she always subtracted ten points to compensate for what her looks did to his…

“Becoming the best kind of leader isn’t about emulating a role model or a historic figure. Rather, your leadership must be rooted in who you are and what matters most to you” (Harry M Jansen Kraemer Jr) In the continuing, increasingly complex and changing challenges that our world is experiencing, many of which have potentially…

Build a team so strong that no-one can point out the leader (Anon) The mark of true leadership lies in the efficacy, confidence and performance of the leader’s team. Too many leaders rely on personal charisma, authority (even manipulation) and other coercion techniques to get the job done, disempowering team members as a result. Trust…

In audio signal processing and acoustics, an echo is a reflection of sound that is heard by the listener with a delay after the original sound. The delay is directly proportional to the distance of the reflecting surface from the source and the listener. Well-known echo examples include those produced by the bottom of a…