If you have a dream, why wait? Passion follows a dream – not the other way round. There will always be sufficient energy and resources if the dream is big enough. If there is dream clarity, you will be able to start seeing how the various parts of your life intersect and develop a plan to make the dream a reality. Therein will lie your motivation and inspiration.
Daniel Goleman, Primal Leadership, relates a beautiful story that illustrates the motivation to realise a dream:
“Abdinasir Ali was about to discover his dream. A hydrogeologist for the last eight years at an integrated-energy multinational, Ali appeared on the surface to be a mild-mannered employee and a steady provider for his family. But Ali was a man with a plan – although it was one he’d always intended to defer until retirement. It was a hope that had developed when, as a child, Ali witnessed long periods of drought in his native village, located in Mandera, Northern Kenya. During one especially severe drought, he remembered seeing hundreds of cattle, goats and camels die; his family, accustomed to a diet of meat and milk, had to survive on grain. Now, at 40, Ali’s dreams to help his native village in Kenya was still at least two decades away. And although he valued his job and the benefits he received working for a large multinational, he was feeling restless. One conversation was about to change all of that.
‘Why wait, Ali?’ asked his executive coach.
When Ali answered that he wasn’t prepared to give up the benefits, his coach asked: ‘Have you considered asking your company – or another one – to set up a subsidiary to develop water-resource management in East Africa?’ Ali said that it was such an expensive proposition, he would never dare to ask. ‘Suppose,’ said the coach, ‘that you framed it as a way for the company to give back to the community and the region.’
At that suggestion, Ali fell silent. Slowly, a wave of recognition spread across his face, as if a light had just been turned on in a dark room. Ali began to articulate, fluidly and in minute detail, the strategic advantages that a project in water-resource management would present his company. He realised that he could tap into his company’s existing Global Social Initiative project to realise his dream. He spoke with such passion, it was as if he were giving a speech before an enthralled audience. Ali had connected with his dream, and in that instant, it became a larger dream than he had ever considered.”
If you have a dream, why wait? Get in touch with your passion – you will find more motivation to pursue you dream as never before.