It is easy to blame circumstances for a lack of success or at least give really plausible reasons for things not working out as planned. It is true sometimes that we feel like pawns, without any power, being manoeuvred strategically by a greater hand, often meaning that we lose our place on the chessboard. We want to participate in the game, but “other issues” stand in the way of us playing our rightful role, or so we think. We feel trapped, helpless and failures. Life seems to have turned against us with little hope of improvement in the offing.

Regarding this emotional and mental condition, Israelmore Ayivor noted: “The brain says: ‘It is impossible’ and the legs respond: ‘Let’s sit down”. The brain says: ‘It is possible” and the legs respond: ‘Let’s go to work’. Don’t blame the legs, blame the head”. Our brains rationalise issues to protect us, but in so doing, they easily introduce a sense of complacency and thought processes that lead to procrastination, lethargy and inactivity. Together with feelings of “this is bigger than me” or “this is out of my reach”, we become immobilised and possibly miss out on potential opportunity to use our skills and giftedness in ways that will lead to success. Dianne Hardy (Heart of the Wolf) insisted: “You’re not allowed to have legs and not use them – dance”. In other words, shake a leg and get going. Find things that you can do well and do them!

To counter the head that, at times, seems to lead us astray, the following simple steps may be helpful to get us moving:

  • Establish a clear vision and direction for life – clarity of vision brings focus and, subsequently, energy to bear on the truly important issues. Although not set in stone, a vision is usually aligned to our giftedness and skillsets in order that we work on that which we do best anyway.
  • Learn how to challenge and deal with unhealthy brain scripts – these thought processes usually put us down and eat away at our self-esteem and confidence. The most common negative thoughts relate to feelings about appearance, education, intelligence and personal value. Feelings of “I’m not good enough” must be replaced with affirmations regarding that of which we are really good.
  • Set goals to enhance and start exercising giftedness and skills – get help if necessary, but grow your talents and giftedness. As you start using your gifts appropriately, doors will start to open for you.
  • Evaluate progress and reward yourself – look back over your growth steps, however small they may be, and spoil yourself when you reach milestones.

Shake a leg! Albert Einstein noted: “The legs are the wheels of creativity”. We need to get up on them, use our inborn creativity and giftedness and make something worthwhile of our lives.

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